Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Week 4 vocabulary

Week 4 vocabulary words
1.Input devices –I use a keyboard as a input device.                                                                      

               2.output devices-a printer is a example.

3.storage device-a usb is a storage device.

4.kilobyte-a kilobyte is about 1000 bytes

5.megabyte-a computer can store until 512 megabytes.

6.Gigabyte-hard disks are measured this way.

7. terabyte-is the smallest measurement of bytes.

8.bits-the way information is stored.

9.byte= the bigger the byte the more memory is stored.

            10.binary is made of ones and zeors.

            11.megaherz- macs have allot of megahertz.

12.rom-a example of rom is internet.

13.ram-a example of ram recently visited websites.

14.hardrive-the hardrive has discs inside it.

15.cicut board-is where everything is connected to.

16.Buses-can connect everything inside.

17.sound cards- let you hear stuff from the computer.

18.operating system-a game is a example of a operating system.

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